Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on PastelMat 9.5″x12″
Author: jp_admin
Latta Flowers
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on Sanded Paper 9″x12″
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on PastelMat 9.5″x12″
Beach Mood
Carb-othello pastel, Faber-Castel Pitt Pastel and PanPastel on sanded paper 8″x10″
Sunset Lake
Carb-othello pastel, Faber-Castel Pitt Pastel and PanPastel on sanded paper 6.5″x10″
My Kicks
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on PastelMat 9″x12″
Skye Light
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on Fabriano 8″x11″
Hawke Light
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on Fabriano 8″x11″
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on PastelMat 9.5″x12″
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on PastelMat 9.5″x12″
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on PastelMat 9.5″x12″
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on PastelMat 9.5″x12″
My Boy
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on Canson mi-teintes 9″x12″
My Girl
Carb-othello pastel and PanPastel on Canson mi-teintes 9″x12″
Almost Hooked
Faber Castell Polychromous and PrismaColor Premium on Canson Bristol
A drawing of my wife in her wedding dress.
The Lion
Carb-othello pastel on PastelMat 9.5″x6.5″
German Shorthaired Pointer
Color Pencil on Canson Bristol Paper
Note: This is my drawing but the actual reference photo is not mine. I found it in a Google search. I do not take credit for the photo of this German Short Hair Pointer.
Carb-othello pastel on Canson mi-teintes 12″x12″
Old dog
Faber Castell Color Pencils on Strathmore toned paper. Artwork is 5″x8″.
Palomino in the Sun
Faber Castell colored pencils on Canson 96lb Bristol 14″x17″
Great Horned Owl
Pet Me Please
Carb-othello pastel on Canson mi-teintes 11″x8.5″
The Lion
Carb-othello pastel on PastelMat 9.5″x6.5″
Prismacolor Colored Pencils on Canson Bristol paper